To continue the list of PC/SC wrappers initiated in 2010 with "PC/SC sample in different languages" I now present a new sample in Objective-C using the Apple Crypto Token Kit API.
I already proposed a sample code in Objective-C in "PCSC sample in Objective-C". This code used the asynchronous version of sendIns. The API is:
- (void)sendIns:(UInt8)ins
data:(NSData *)requestData
le:(NSNumber *)le
reply:(void (^)(NSData *replyData, UInt16 sw, NSError *error))reply;
The method returns immediately and a callback
block is executed when the card response is received.
We will now use the
synchronous version of sendIns. The API is:
- (NSData *)sendIns:(UInt8)ins
data:(NSData *)requestData
le:(NSNumber *)le
sw:(UInt16 *)sw
error:(NSError * _Nullable *)error;
Crypto Token Kit API
In Yosemite (Mac OS X 10.10) Apple introduced a new API to access smart cards. See
OS X Yosemite and smart cards status.
This API is not a wrapper above PC/SC. It is the native API to be used on macOS. You do not need to install it, it comes with the OS.
Since PC/SC is not used here the blog title may be misleading. So I used " " around PC/SC this time.
Source code
Create a new Cocoa application in Xcode. You need to enable the App Sandbox and add/set the
entitlement to yes.
My sample HellloWorld application does not use Cocoa. It is a text only application.
#import <CryptoTokenKit/CryptoTokenKit.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
TKSmartCardSlotManager * mngr;
mngr = [TKSmartCardSlotManager defaultManager];
// Use the first reader/slot found
NSString *slotName = (NSString *)mngr.slotNames[0];
NSLog(@"slotName: %@", slotName);
dispatch_semaphore_t sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
// connect to the slot
[mngr getSlotWithName:slotName reply:^(TKSmartCardSlot *slot)
// connect to the card
TKSmartCard *card = [slot makeSmartCard];
if (nil == card)
NSLog(@"No card found");
// signals end of getSlotWithName block
// begin a session
[card beginSessionWithReply:^(BOOL success, NSError *error)
if (success)
NSData *response;
UInt16 sw;
NSString *newString;
// explicitly set the CLA byte even if 0 is already the default value
card.cla = 0x00;
// send 1st APDU
uint8_t aid[] = {0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x62, 0x03, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x01};
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:aid length:sizeof aid];
response = [card sendIns:0xA4 p1:0x04 p2:0x00 data:data le:nil sw:&sw error:&error];
if (nil == response)
NSLog(@"sendIns error: %@", error);
goto out;
NSLog(@"Response: %@ 0x%04X", response, sw);
// send 2nd APDU
response = [card sendIns:0x00 p1:0x00 p2:0x00 data:nil le:@0 sw:&sw error:&error];
if (nil == response)
NSLog(@"sendIns error: %@", error);
goto out;
NSLog(@"Response: %@ 0x%04X", response, sw);
newString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:response encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSLog(@"%@", newString);
// end the session
[card endSession];
NSLog(@"Session error: %@", error);
// signals end of beginSessionWithReply block
// wait for the asynchronous blocks to finish
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
return 0;
2017-03-31 10:54:24.990581+0200 HelloWorld[19931:85555] slotName: Gemalto PC Twin Reader
2017-03-31 10:54:25.103855+0200 HelloWorld[19931:85584] Response: <> 0x9000
2017-03-31 10:54:25.115946+0200 HelloWorld[19931:85584] Response: <48656c6c 6f20776f="" 726c6421=""> 0x9000
2017-03-31 10:54:25.115993+0200 HelloWorld[19931:85584] Hello world!
Compared to the previous Objective-C sample in "
PCSC sample in Objective-C" this code has some improvements/bugs fixes:
[card endSession];
is called.
This is needed to close the session started by [card beginSessionWithReply:...]
- The main thread is waiting for the callbacks from
[mngr getSlotWithName:...]
and [card beginSessionWithReply:...]
to finish using a semaphore (instead of a sleep()
The CryptoTokenKit API provides a
inSessionWithError:executeBlock: to synchronously begin a session instead of using
beginSessionWithReply: and
endSession. But this method has some limitations/bugs and is not (yet) easy to use. I may use it in a next sample code when it will be fixed (in macOS 10.13?).
In general, I prefer to use synchronous calls. So the possibility to use a synchronous
method is nice.
Depending on your needs, the
CryptoTokenKit TKSmartCard API offers you the choice between a synchronous or asynchronous version.