PC/SC sample in Elixir

To continue the list of PC/SC wrappers initiated in 2010 with "PC/SC sample in different languages" I now present a new sample code in Elixir.

Elixir uses the Erlang virtual machine: BEAM. I wanted to start with an example in Erlang but Erlang is more complex (for me) so I have not yet a working sample code in Erlang.

I use the PC/SC wrapper for Erlang: erlang-pcsc from Alex Wilson. The project description is "libpcsc NIF binding for erlang". The license is BSD 2 clause.

The wrapper is available on Hex.pm (The package manager for the Erlang ecosystem) at https://hex.pm/packages/pcsc.

API documentation is available at https://arekinath.github.io/erlang-pcsc/index.html

Elixir sample project

Create a new Elixir project using mix new ...

$ mix new blog
* creating README.md
* creating .formatter.exs
* creating .gitignore
* creating mix.exs
* creating lib
* creating lib/blog.ex
* creating test
* creating test/test_helper.exs
* creating test/blog_test.exs

Your Mix project was created successfully.
You can use "mix" to compile it, test it, and more:

    cd blog
    mix test

Run "mix help" for more commands.

Edit the file mix.exs and add the pcsc dependency. You should have something like:

  defp deps do
	{:pcsc, "~> 1.3"},

Install the dependency using mix deps.get

$ mix deps.get
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Dependency resolution completed:
  goldrush 0.1.9
  lager 3.9.2
  pcsc 1.3.1
* Getting pcsc (Hex package)
* Getting lager (Hex package)
* Getting goldrush (Hex package)

Source code

Now we create a file blog.exs that contains (sorry, source-highlight does not provide syntax colorization for Elixir):

# list card readers
{:ok, readers} = :pcsc_card_db.list_readers()

# use the fist reader
[reader | _] = readers
IO.puts("Using reader: " <> reader)

# connect to the card
{:ok, card} = :pcsc_card.start_link(reader, :shared, [:t1, :t0])

aid = << 160, 0, 0, 0, 98, 3, 1, 12, 6, 1 >>
select_apdu = {:apdu_cmd, :default, :iso, :select, 4, 0, aid, :none}

# send select APDU
{:ok, replies} = :pcsc_card.command(card, select_apdu)
IO.inspect replies

# send command APDU
command_apdu = {:apdu_cmd, :default, :iso, 0, 0, 0, :none, :none}
{:ok, replies} = :pcsc_card.command(card, command_apdu)
IO.inspect replies

# get the first reply only
[reply | _] = replies
case reply do
	{:apdu_reply, _, :ok, msg} -> IO.puts(msg)
	{:apdu_reply, _, :error, _} -> IO.puts("Failed")


You can now build and run the code using mix run ...

The first time you run mix run the pcsc wrapper will be built automatically. After that you only get the build & execution of the sample code.

$ mix run blog.exs

17:40:50.239 [error] calling logger:remove_handler(default) failed: :error {:badmatch, {:error, {:not_found, :default}}}
17:40:50.273 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
17:40:50.280 [info] Application pcsc started on node nonode@nohost
17:40:50.281 [info] Application blog started on node nonode@nohost
Using reader: Gemalto PC Twin Reader 00 00
[{:apdu_reply, :t1, :ok, :none}]
[{:apdu_reply, :t1, :ok, "Hello world!"}]
Hello world!


I do not have any complaints for the Erlang PC/SC wrapper. It built fine on the first try. Nice work Alex.

As always my sample code is very minimal with no error handling. It is just a short sample.

Thanks to Stéphane Bortzmeyer for his Elixir training. That gave me the idea to try Elixir.

A big thank to tofferoma for his help on the Elixir forum on "How to access PCSC card readers via erlang/elixir?".


If you work on a Free Software PC/SC wrapper that is not yet in my list please let me know.

PySCard 2.0.3 released

I just released a new version 2.0.3 of pyscard. PySCard is a python module adding smart cards support (PC/SC) to Python.

The PySCard project is available at:

This version is a bug fix release.


  • PCSCExceptions: include error code in the message
  • getReaderNames(): fix Windows 10 issue when the last reader is disconnected

One smart card reader accessible from many computers

In 2010 I wrote the article "PC/SC client and server on two different hosts". At that time OpenSSH was not able to redirect Unix sockets.

I just received a request to (re)do something similar. Of course, I forgot I wrote this article 12 years ago. So I started searching for a solution, again.

Since OpenSSH 6.7 (released in 2014) it is possible to redirect Unix sockets over the network.


The normal pcsc-lite use case is described in the figure bellow: 

The goal is to have 2 computers connected by a network and transfer the pcsc-lite internal connection over the network as described bellow:


On computer1 you have your smart card reader(s) connected and pcscd will run as usual. You do not need to change your pcsc-lite configuration.

A user on computer1 is able to connect to computer2 using ssh and run something like:

$ ssh -N -R/tmp/pcscd.comm:/run/pcscd/pcscd.comm computer2

Note that the socket on computer2 is /tmp/pcscd.comm and not /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm as on computer1. That is because of access rights restriction. Only root is allowed to create files in /run/pcscd/.

Otherwise I get the error:

Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen path /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm

So I create the socket on computer2 in /tmp/ instead.


On computer2 you define the pcsc-lite socket path to use.

$ export PCSCLITE_CSOCK_NAME=/tmp/pcscd.comm

And you can run your PC/SC application as usual.

Connection in the other direction

It is also possible to do the SSH connection from the client to the server. On the client you do something like

$ ssh -N -L/tmp/pcscd.comm:/run/pcscd/pcscd.comm computer1

It may be easier this way if the client is light terminal and does not have an ssh server running for example.

Socket access rights

The socket /tmp/pcscd.comm is created as the user running the ssh command. For example in my case it is created as user "rousseau".

$ ls -l /tmp/pcscd.comm
srw------- 1 rousseau rousseau 0 17 févr. 12:07 /tmp/pcscd.comm

As you can see the access rights are limited to read & write for "rousseau" and no access for the other users. You may want to share the remote connection to other users in the client computer. You can do something like:

$ chmod a+rw /tmp/pcscd.comm

The administrator of the system is free to configure the access rights to use.


When you stop the ssh execution, the socket /tmp/pcscd.comm created on the client side is not removed.

So if you run ssh again you will get the error:

$ ssh -N -R/tmp/pcscd.comm:/run/pcscd/pcscd.comm computer2
Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen path /tmp/pcscd.comm

or (if the connection is used in the other direction):

$ ssh -N -L/tmp/pcscd.comm:/run/pcscd/pcscd.comm computer1
unix_listener: cannot bind to path /tmp/pcscd.comm: Address already in use
Could not request local forwarding.

One card, multiple computers

The same smart card can also be accessed from different computers. The ssh redirection is not limited to one computer. You can have 1 server and 10 clients all connected to the same server so connected to the same smart card reader(s).


The pcsc-lite daemon pcscd will still play his role of resource manager. So if the applications are correctly written with PC/SC transactions to get exclusive access to the card, no problem is expected. i.e. no more problems than if the 3 applications were all running locally in computer1.

Multi-architecture support

It is possible to run the server on one CPU architecture and run clients on a different CPU architecture.

I tried running the server on a x86-64 CPU (Intel PC) and the client on a ARM-32 CPU (Raspberry Pi 3 using armv7l). It works like a charm.

The internal pcsc-lite protocol is not sensible to 32 or 64-bits CPU differences. I have not tested a mix with big-endian and little-endian CPUs. I do not have a computer using a big-endian CPU. I am pretty sure that configuration would fail.


This architecture is a generalisation of accessing the pcscd server from the host and also from guests in virtual environments (described in "Accessing smart cards from inside a flatpak sandbox") but, this time, with remote computers. 

I am sure people will find many original use cases for an architecture like this. Please tell me if and how you use it.

Fedora, flatpak and pcsc-lite

The bug "Unable to list readers inside flatpak, when pcscd runs on host." was very strange. It is not like the potential problem I described in "Accessing smart cards from inside a flatpak sandbox" where we have 2 sides (host & flatpak container) using different versions of the pcsc-lite internal protocol.

In the present case both sides are using the same protocol but SCardGetStatusChange() fails with a very strange error: Unknown error: 0x53204253. 0x53204253 is not a (valid) error code returned by any of the PC/SC functions.

Fedora custom build

After some debug I discovered that Fedora provides pcsc-lite packages with a modification.

From https://fedora.pkgs.org/35/fedora-updates-x86_64/pcsc-lite-libs-1.9.5-1.fc35.x86_64.rpm.html your can download the source package which contains the patch file pcsc-lite-1.9.1-maxreaders.patch.

diff -up ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h.in.readers_32 ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h.in
--- ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h.in.readers_32	2018-08-20 16:02:17.708302410 -0700
+++ ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h.in	2018-08-20 16:02:49.462500967 -0700
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ extern const SCARD_IO_REQUEST g_rgSCardT
 #define PCSCLITE_VERSION_NUMBER		"@VERSION@"	/**< Current version */
 /** Maximum readers context (a slot is count as a reader) */
 #define MAX_READERNAME			128
diff -up ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h.readers_32 ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h
--- ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h.readers_32	2018-08-20 16:02:30.993385481 -0700
+++ ./src/PCSC/pcsclite.h	2018-08-20 16:03:00.061567242 -0700
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ extern const SCARD_IO_REQUEST g_rgSCardT
 #define PCSCLITE_VERSION_NUMBER		"1.9.5"	/**< Current version */
 /** Maximum readers context (a slot is count as a reader) */
 #define MAX_READERNAME			128

This patch redefines PCSCLITE_MAX_READERS_CONTEXTS which is the maximum number of readers supported by pcsc-lite and update the value from 16 to 48.

pcsc-lite internal protocol

To implement the function SCardGetStatusChange() pcsc-lite exchanges the list of readers between the daemon (pcscd) and the client (libpcsclite.so.1).

pcscd will sent a list of PCSCLITE_MAX_READERS_CONTEXTS readers and libpcsclite.so.1 is expecting a list of PCSCLITE_MAX_READERS_CONTEXTS readers.

Flatpak issue

In the case of flatpak the server is running on the host and is provided by Fedora, and the client is running inside the flatpak container and is provided by whoever provides the flatpak so possibly with a pcsc-lite client not from Fedora.

And now we have a problem: the daemon is sending a list of 48 readers while the client is expecting a list of only 16 readers. After that, many bad things can happen, like incorrect return values. 

Flatpak solution

The solution is simple: include in the flatpak container a client library that is configured like the server on your host i.e. patch the pcsc-lite included in the container.

The bad news is that the flatpak contained application will not be universal any-more. You will need 2 different containers for Fedora and for Debian for example.

pcsc-lite-ccid patch

The pcsc-lite-ccid Fedora package (CCID reader driver) also uses a patch to increase the number of supported readers.

The package source code is available at https://fedora.pkgs.org/35/fedora-updates-x86_64/pcsc-lite-ccid-1.4.36-2.fc35.x86_64.rpm.html and contains the file ccid-1.4.34-maxreaders.patch

diff -up ./src/ccid_ifdhandler.h.readers_32 ./src/ccid_ifdhandler.h
--- ./src/ccid_ifdhandler.h.readers_32	2018-08-20 16:06:34.080905748 -0700
+++ ./src/ccid_ifdhandler.h	2018-08-20 16:07:04.638097096 -0700
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ extern int DriverOptions;
  * The maximum number of readers is also limited in pcsc-lite (16 by default)
  * see the definition of PCSCLITE_MAX_READERS_CONTEXTS in src/PCSC/pcsclite.h
  * CCID driver specific functions

According to the spec file pcsc-lite-ccid.spec this changes dates from June 2021:

* Fri Jun 25 2021 Jakub Jelen <jjelen@redhat.com> - 1.4.34-2
- Add support for more readers

So less than a year.

Increase the number of readers?

I guess Fedora/Red Hat has one (or more) customer(s) with a need to support more than 16 readers. Maybe that is the case of 0.01% of pcsc-lite users (rough estimation out of my mind). And for some users 48 readers will not be enough (See "A reader for 96 smart cards? sysmoSIMBANK").

A long term solution is to move from a hard coded limit of CCID_DRIVER_MAX_READERS readers to a dynamic (unlimited) list. This is already planed for pcsc-lite in "use a list instead of a fixed size array for 16 reader states" and for ccid in "use a list instead of a fixed size array for 16 reader states". I had no motivation to implement that so far. If you need this change please contact me.

Revert the Fedora patches?

One option to solve the issue with Flatpak would be for Fedora/Red Hat to revert the patches.

I don't know if they have more customers using more than 16 smart card readers, or more customers using Flatpak applications.


Flatpak applications with a need to access smart cards or tokens (Chrome, Teams) may be difficult to use on Fedora/Red Hat.

Accessing smart cards from inside a flatpak sandbox

I received a bug report about "Unable to list readers inside flatpak, when pcscd runs on host." complaining that a smart card reader is not accessible from inside a flatpak sandbox. 

I then discovered many other flatpak issues regarding smart cards access in https://github.com/flathub:

I never used flatpak so I start by trying to reproduce the problem.


  • GNU/Linux Debian testing
  • flatpak 1.12.4-1
  • pcscd 1.9.5-1

Simple test

The idea is to run pcsc_scan from a flatpak sandbox using the pcscd daemon on the host. This is possible since the flatpak patch "Add support for PCSC socket".

Since the daemon (pcscd) and the client library (libpcsclite.so.1) use a socket (/run/pcscd/pcscd.comm by default) to communicate we just have to export the socket in the sandbox to allow the communication.

The important part for that is:

  - --socket=pcsc


File fr.apdu.pcsc_scan.yml

app-id: fr.apdu.pcsc_scan
runtime: org.freedesktop.Platform
runtime-version: '21.08'
sdk: org.freedesktop.Sdk
command: pcsc_scan.sh
  - --socket=pcsc
  - name: pcsc-lite
      - --disable-libudev
      - --disable-libsystemd
      - --without-systemdsystemunitdir
      - --disable-serial
      - --disable-usb
      - --disable-documentation
      - '/include'
      - '/bin/pcsc-spy'
      - '/lib/libpcscspy*'
      - '/lib/pkg-config'
      - '/share/doc'
      - '/share/man'
      - rm /app/sbin/pcscd
      - rmdir /app/sbin || true
      - type: archive
        url: https://pcsclite.apdu.fr/files/pcsc-lite-1.9.5.tar.bz2
        sha256: 9ee3f9b333537562177893559ad4f7b8d5c23ebe828eef53056c02db14049d08
  - name: pcsc-tools
      - '/bin/gscriptor'
      - '/bin/scriptor'
      - '/bin/ATR_analysis'
      - '/share/pcsc'
      - '/share/man'
      - type: archive
        url: http://ludovic.rousseau.free.fr/softwares/pcsc-tools/pcsc-tools-1.6.0.tar.bz2
        sha256: 651c8dd74bcb33db4c16935ce5d80dd1aa6eb20ba9d5c4b9631a098326ef8b9f
  - name: pcsc_scan.sh
    buildsystem: simple
      - install -D pcsc_scan.sh /app/bin/pcsc_scan.sh
      - type: file
        path: pcsc_scan.sh


File pcsc_scan.sh

By default pscs_scan calls ATR_analysis which is a Perl script. I do not want to include Perl in my sandbox so I create a wrapper to call pcsc_scan with the -n argument to disable the use of ATR_analysis.

pcsc_scan -n


$ flatpak-builder --user --install build-dir fr.apdu.pcsc_scan.yml


$ flatpak run fr.apdu.pcsc_scan 
Using reader plug'n play mechanism
Scanning present readers...
0: Gemalto PC Twin Reader 00 00
Fri Feb 11 17:55:17 2022
 Reader 0: Gemalto PC Twin Reader 00 00
  Event number: 6
  Card state: Card inserted, Shared Mode, 
  ATR: 3B A7 00 40 18 80 65 A2 08 01 01 52

It works fine. Youpi!


You need to use the same protocol version for the pcsc-lite daemon and the pcsc-lite client.

If not then pcscd will complain with something like:

Journalctl :
Jan 16 16:24:42 nuc01.lan pcscd[2066]: 99999999 winscard_svc.c:383:ContextThread() Client protocol is 4:4
Jan 16 16:24:42 nuc01.lan pcscd[2066]: 00000040 winscard_svc.c:385:ContextThread() Server protocol is 4:3

The protocol version major & minor is defined in winscard_msg.h.

Protocol history

  • 4.4 since pcsc-lite 1.8.24, Oct 2018
  • 4.3 since pcsc-lite 1.8.9, Oct 2013
  • 4.2 since pcsc-lite 1.6.5, Dec 2010
  • 4.1 since pcsc-lite 1.6.5, Dec 2010
  • 4.0 since pcsc-lite 1.6.0, May 2010

So if the server side is older than 1.8.24 (Oct 2018) and the client side is newer you have a problem.

For example Ubuntu 18.04 LTS provides pcscd 1.8.23-1. This can be problematic.

Reproducing the problem

To check that I modified the file fr.apdu.pcsc_scan.yml to build pcsc-lite 1.8.23 instead of the latest version 1.9.5.

The build is successful but the execution fails with:

$ flatpak run fr.apdu.pcsc_scan
SCardEstablishContext: Service was stopped.

And in the logs on the host I see:

$ journalctl --unit=pcscd
févr. 11 18:55:07 debian pcscd[3715]: 00000006 winscard_svc.c:361:ContextThread() Received command: CMD_VERSION from client 8
févr. 11 18:55:07 debian pcscd[3715]: 00000004 winscard_svc.c:373:ContextThread() Client is protocol version 4:3
févr. 11 18:55:07 debian pcscd[3715]: 00000001 winscard_svc.c:382:ContextThread() Communication protocol mismatch!
févr. 11 18:55:07 debian pcscd[3715]: 00000002 winscard_svc.c:384:ContextThread() Client protocol is 4:3
févr. 11 18:55:07 debian pcscd[3715]: 00000001 winscard_svc.c:386:ContextThread() Server protocol is 4:4
févr. 11 18:55:07 debian pcscd[3715]: 00000002 winscard_svc.c:396:ContextThread() CMD_VERSION rv=0x8010001E for client 8

Here the server is using version 4.4 but the client is using version 4.3.
The error code 0x8010001E is SCARD_E_SERVICE_STOPPED.


The solution is simple: use the same protocol version on both sides.

If your host is using an old pcsc-lite using the internal protocol 4.3 then include an old (between 1.8.9 and 1.8.23) pcsc-lite in your flatpak image.

I know this is not perfect. It is then not possible to provide an application in one flatpak and deploy it everywhere and anywhere.


The protocol between the daemon and the client is internal to pcsc-lite. It has not been designed to be interoperable with something else, including older versions of pcsc-lite itself.

pcsc-lite is free software. So you are free to install whatever version you want.

New version of pcsc-tools: 1.6.0

I just released a new version of pcsc-tools, a suite of tools for PC/SC.
I also forgot to announce the version 1.5.8.

The major changes are for the pcsc_scan tool.


1.6.0 - 29 January 2022, Ludovic ROUSSEAU
  • 48 new ATRs
  • pcsc_scan:
    • drastically reduce the number of SCardGetStatusChange() calls
    • faster spinning animation
    • handle Ctrl-C on macOS

1.5.8 - 7 November 2021, Ludovic ROUSSEAU
  • 360 new ATRs
  • ATR_analysis:
    • fix TB2 parsing error
    • misc spelling fixes
  • pcsc_scan:
    • add maxtime option -t
    • add the option -c to list cards only once
    • no spinner in quiet mode (-q)
    • turn off colour if redirected output
    • Exit if no reader is found and -c or -r is used

Accessing a lot of smart cards? (part 2)

Last year in "Accessing a lot of smart cards?" I wrote about accessing many smart cards in parallel.

One of my test platform was the sysmoOCTSIM, an 8-slots reader I presented in "sysmoOCTSIM: 8 slots reader". One advantage of this reader is that the 8 slots can be used at the same time. But my CCID driver did not support simultaneous access of different slots of the same reader.

Extract from the previous article (March 2021):


My CCID driver for Unix do support multi-slot readers. But only one slot can be used at the same time. It is a limitation of the driver.

Supporting accesses to 2 or more slots in parallel would imply a change from synchronous USB communication to asynchronous USB communication. That is a possible change but not an easy one.


number of slots sequential exe parallel exe
1 5.126s 5.126s
2 10.273s 10.030s
3 15.321s 14.944s

You may note that in the case of parallel execution we have a linear growth. As I explained before only one slot can be used at the same time. So pcsc-lite (the PC/SC resource manager) has to serialize the accesses to the different slots from the different executions.

The parallel execution is a bit more efficient than the sequential execution because part of the execution can be executed in parallel. But not so much. 


Problem fixed

My CCID driver now (since version 1.5.0) has support of simultaneous access to the slots of a reader.

But not all multi-slots readers can support simultaneous access. The reader must declare that all the slots can be used the same time. The USB descriptor field bMaxCCIDBusySlots must have a value greater than 1. Ideally this value should correspond to the number of slots. My CCID driver enables simultaneous access only if bMaxCCIDBusySlots correspond to the number of slots i.e. bMaxSlotIndex +1.

Readers that should support this feature:

Not so many readers will benefit from this improvement. They are:


So what are the performances now?

With the sysmoOCTSIM 8-slots reader I now get:

# User Sys Clock
0 0,07 0,02 24,65 0 %
1 0,19 0,04 24,72 0 %
2 0,21 0,05 24,68 1 %
3 0,26 0,08 24,59 1 %
4 0,34 0,09 24,67 1 %
5 0,41 0,10 24,65 2 %
6 0,50 0,11 24,64 2 %
7 0,56 0,13 24,72 2 %

I used the GNU time command to measure the User, System and clock times.

As expected the user (and system) time grows with the number of cards (slots) used.

Also as expected the clock time is rather constant to 24.6 seconds in all cases instead of growing linearly as it was in the case in "Accessing a lot of smart cards?".

We can clearly see the effect of the simultaneous accesses here.


Results with 88 slots

I got (remote) access to a sysmoSIMBANK 96 with 96 slots. See "A reader for 96 smart cards? sysmoSIMBANK" for more details about the reader.



# User Sys Clock CPU
0 0,23 0,08 21,00 1 %
1 0,52 0,11 24,27 2 %
2 0,77 0,23 24,30 4 %
3 1,17 0,25 24,34 5 %
4 1,51 0,28 24,41 7 %
5 1,43 0,33 24,44 7 %
6 1,81 0,37 24,50 8 %
7 2,12 0,48 24,88 10 %
8 2,53 0,51 25,00 12 %
9 2,90 0,57 25,07 13 %
10 3,15 0,75 25,06 15 %
11 3,59 0,79 25,15 17 %
12 3,94 0,85 25,24 19 %
13 4,37 0,85 25,30 20 %
14 4,84 0,92 25,33 22 %
15 5,19 0,98 25,28 24 %
16 5,56 1,10 25,41 26 %
17 5,89 1,20 25,51 27 %
18 6,41 1,25 25,55 30 %
19 6,75 1,32 25,58 31 %
20 7,14 1,41 25,58 33 %
21 7,49 1,50 25,46 35 %
22 7,88 1,58 25,75 36 %
23 8,16 1,64 25,65 38 %
24 8,75 1,70 25,80 40 %
25 9,00 1,79 25,91 41 %
26 9,35 1,88 25,88 43 %
27 9,76 1,95 25,84 45 %
28 10,26 1,99 25,51 48 %
29 10,58 2,09 25,95 48 %
30 10,99 2,16 26,26 50 %
31 11,21 2,29 25,97 51 %
32 11,56 2,42 26,23 53 %
33 12,00 2,40 26,06 55 %
34 12,48 2,43 26,38 56 %
35 13,07 2,41 26,67 58 %
36 13,23 2,69 26,23 60 %
37 13,63 2,70 26,30 62 %
38 13,90 2,88 26,04 64 %
39 14,55 2,69 26,57 64 %
40 14,85 2,83 26,43 66 %
41 15,17 2,94 25,71 70 %
42 15,47 3,05 26,48 69 %
43 15,88 3,12 26,35 72 %
44 16,32 3,29 26,27 74 %
45 16,66 3,23 26,67 74 %
46 17,29 3,25 26,69 76 %
47 17,28 3,56 26,48 78 %
48 17,88 3,50 26,69 80 %
49 18,31 3,54 26,78 81 %
50 18,74 3,59 27,16 82 %
51 18,62 3,66 26,10 85 %
52 19,01 3,60 26,74 84 %
53 19,29 3,88 26,20 88 %
54 19,29 3,85 26,95 85 %
55 19,81 3,74 26,33 89 %
56 20,10 3,94 26,66 90 %
57 20,28 4,17 26,73 91 %
58 20,80 4,05 27,09 91 %
59 21,02 4,02 26,39 94 %
60 21,04 4,23 29,14 86 %
61 21,56 4,28 29,18 88 %
62 21,55 4,23 29,22 88 %
63 21,78 4,34 29,19 89 %
64 22,01 4,65 29,36 90 %
65 22,67 4,54 29,41 92 %
66 22,74 4,78 29,60 92 %
67 23,65 4,58 29,51 95 %
68 24,07 4,53 30,83 92 %
69 24,26 4,64 30,88 93 %
70 23,88 5,07 30,95 93 %
71 24,35 4,98 31,06 94 %
72 24,93 4,89 31,18 95 %
73 25,30 4,96 31,23 96 %
74 25,51 5,26 31,14 98 %
75 25,91 5,15 31,42 98 %
76 26,10 5,47 31,54 100 %
77 26,53 5,44 31,37 101 %
78 27,06 5,51 31,76 102 %
79 27,01 5,31 31,56 102 %
80 27,56 5,31 31,68 103 %
81 27,86 5,57 31,79 105 %
82 28,17 5,59 31,76 106 %
83 28,60 5,67 31,74 107 %
84 29,03 5,64 32,18 107 %
85 29,15 5,88 31,82 110 %
86 29,67 5,96 32,35 110 %
87 30,20 5,98 32,47 111 %


 Here again the user and system times grow linearly.

And again the total time is rather constant. The total time is multiplied by 1.5 while the number of cards goes from 1 to 88.


The CPU load is also growing linearly. The system has a 4-core CPU so it is not surprising to get more than 100% of CPU usage.

My sample test is not optimized for speed or CPU load at all. I use make -j to start one Python program usim_read.py per slot. So make has to start 88 Python processes in the case of 88 slots.
The goal was to use standard and simple tools.

I stopped at 88 slots instead of the expected 96 because one of the 12 sysmoOCTSIM reader (part of the sysmoSIMBANK 96 reader) was not working correctly at the time.


A big thank to Sysmocom for helping my work on this code.

I am very happy to see pcsc-lite and my CCID driver able to handle 88 APDU exchanges at the same time.

New version of libccid: 1.5.0

I just released version 1.5.0 of libccid the Free Software CCID class smart card reader driver.


1.5.0 - 27 January 2022, Ludovic Rousseau
  • Add support of
    • ACS ACR1281U
    • Circle CCR7125 ICC
    • Circle CIR125 ICC
    • Circle CIR125-DOT ICC
    • Circle CIR215 CL with iProduct 0x2100
    • Circle CIR315 DI
    • Circle CIR315 with idProduct: 0x0324
    • Circle CIR315 with idProduct: 0x7004
    • Circle CIR415 CL
    • Circle CIR515 ICC
    • Circle CIR615 CL
    • Circle CIR615 CL & 1S
    • ELYCTIS CL reader
    • Nitrokey Nitrokey 3
    • Thales Shield M4 Reader
  • Add support of simultaneous slot access on multi slots readers
  • Use FeliCa instead of Felica on SONY request
  • Fix SafeNet eToken 5110 SC issue
  • Allow vendor control commands for Omnikey 5427 CK
  • Always compute readTimeout to use a value greater than default 3 seconds
  • Check the bSeq value when receiving a CCID frame
  • Avoid logging errors when a reader is removed
  • Some other minor improvements

Multi-thread and Atomic

Multi-thread programming seams easy but it is difficult to write correct multi-threading code.

For example pcsc-lite and my CCID driver use threads and are not (yet) perfect. One problem in particular is the access to the same variable from different threads.

C11 standard defines the Atomic types to make multi-thread programming easier.

Source code

This source code exhibits the problem.

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>

    NUM_THREADS = 1000,
    NUM_ITERS = 1000

_Atomic int global_a = 0;
int global = 0;

static void* main_thread(void *arg)

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITERS; ++i)
    return NULL;

int main(void)
    int i;
    pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i)
        pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, main_thread, NULL);
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i)
        pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);

    printf("global_a %d %s\n", global_a,
        global_a == NUM_THREADS * NUM_ITERS ? "OK" : "FAIL");

    printf("global   %d %s\n", global,
        global == NUM_THREADS * NUM_ITERS ? "OK" : "FAIL");

    return 0;


If I compile and run the sample code I get:

global_a 1000000 OK
global   660409 FAIL
or, with another execution:
global_a 1000000 OK
global   691552 FAIL

You can see that the variable global that is NOT declared with _Atomic does not have the expected value. Some updates of the variable value failed (were skipped).

Another option if you do not want or can't use _Atomic is to use pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock() to protect the accesses to the variable. But the code is then harder to read.

Impact on pcsc-lite and libccid

The problem was reported by andrei-datcu in the pull request No data races in EHStatusHandlerThread.

I then fixed different problems in these changes (non-exhautive list):

And simplified the code by removing a mutex in Remove mutex and use _Atomic instead.


The next versions of pcsc-lite and libccid will be safer and more correct.

Happy new year 2022

Dear readers,

I wish you a happy new year for 2022.
Maybe COVID-19 will be less problematic this year. We will see.

In 2021 I published 27 articles on this blog.


The number of users is decreasing (5%) compared to 2020.

The top 10 countries are the same as in 2020. But the order changed a bit. France is now second :-) 


Windows is still the most used system (from 41% to 44%).
Android is growing fast from 4% to 11%.
Macintosh dropped from 31% to 22%. Come on Mac users!

Most read articles

This year again articles about sample code in different languages are popular.

The article about pcsc_scan on Windows moved from the 8th to the 6th place in the top 10. Maybe I should write more about Windows?



Thank you to you, readers.

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